How to sell enterprise software within 2 weeks, twice!

Like many people, I’m a Sales Manager who is really passionate about the software the company I am working for is offering. Business applications that automate processes, delivered as a service. Yes, they look really great as well!

During the years I learned different (enterprise) sales methodologies by following classes and reading books about sales and productivity. I think it is way more effective to use a combination of tools from different methodologies rather than sticking to 1 single method. Feel free to ask my recommendations!

I truly believe in ‘sharing is multiplying’. Today, I would like to share some of the lessons I learned in selling enterprise software within a short time frame. A short time frame for me equals less than 2 weeks, as most of the buying journeys of our customers take at least 3 months. When we did it once, that could have been luck. Last month we did it again! Next, I will lay out my ABC to increase your customer base.

A: Begin with the end in mind

From the very beginning, we would like to understand the ‘why’, ‘how’ and the ‘what’ from a potential buyer. The reason for that is to make sure we both understand the high-level purpose of the conversations and what the ultimate end goal is. For all parties involved, it is better to know upfront about how we can contribute to the goal, rather than later.

When ‘the end’ is expressed, challenged and agreed, we can calculate backward what to do and when to deliver the upfront promise.

“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score” - Bill Copeland

B: Be on top of your sales cycle

Do your research about the organisation, the people you will be talking to and all the stakeholders. When you understand the playing field you will be way more effective in your communication and able to focus your message on the critical problems you solve (focus on the value instead of the product).

Effective conversations are supporting you in shortening the sales cycle. Be available for your contacts. I mean: surround a team around you to deliver high-quality and fast response instead of letting your contacts unnecessary wait. Personally, I use the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritise the activities.

In addition, really care about follow-ups. Instead of waiting until they happen, schedule the next step on the spot and always steer to the first possible date (also when it concerns a ‘to-do’ for yourself).

“When should we meet again? Coming Monday or next Friday?” Save 3 weeks in 5 meetings by scheduling the follow-up meeting at the first possible timeslot

C: Be memorable

It’s obvious that there’s a lot of competition. But, why do people buy from you? Is it because you have the best product on the market? Is it because you are the cheapest? You will find people that make their decision on features and price. From my experience, it is all about the emotional relationship you have with them. Do they trust you? Trust is 1.

Can I say: “Appearance is 2”? Are you more likely to buy from a happy person that radiates passion or from a non-energetic person that clearly does not like what he/she is doing? I think this speaks for itself. So, “Bring the joy” as Brendon Burchard says.

People respond well to those that are sure of that they want - Anna Wintour


Celebrations are a fun way to make sure achievements and important milestones never go unnoticed. You make sure that everyone is on the same page, no matter where they are.

Dreamteam! @Annukka Mononen @Anders Christiansen @Dana Daoud

Can you relate with the above; are you using it in your daily work? 

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